DIVORCE MEDIATION in Bingham Farms, Mi


No one decides to get a divorce lightly. You have probably tried everything possible to make your marriage work. But if you have reached the difficult decision to get a divorce, you must work with a legal professional who is committed to helping you exit your marriage with dignity. Joe Mooney has more than 37 years of legal experience that he will put to use during divorce mediation to help you reach an amicable divorce settlement with your soon-to-be-ex. This process is faster, more affordable, and less contentious than the typical contested divorce case.

Decisions to Make During the Divorce Process

Divorce is a legal process that can impact many aspects of your life. There will need to be many decisions that you and your spouse make to arrive at an acceptable agreement, including:

  • How will you divide your property?
  • How will you divide your debt?
  • How will you handle a shared debt?
  • Who will continue to live in the family home?
  • Should you sell the family home?
  • Will you pay alimony?
  • Will your spouse pay alimony?
  • What will be the child custody arrangement?
  • What should go into your parenting plan?

A divorce mediator can help guide you through the mediation process to reach an amicable decision regarding these issues.

Mr.  Mooney is one of the most experienced family lawyers in the area, which is why many family court judges appoint him as a divorce mediator.  He is recognized for drafting orders dividing pension and retirement plans and as an advocate who helps families transition during the divorce process.  His legal practice has focused primarily on divorce, parenting time, child custody, child support, alimony, prenuptial agreements, and postnuptial agreements.  He can help you and your spouse reach important decisions regarding your divorce case.

Benefits of Making These Decisions in Mediation

Some of the most important benefits of mediating rather than litigating your divorce include:

  • You can resolve your divorce much faster through mediation, which can help you, your spouse and your children more easily transition to the next stage of your lives
  • You can save money because you are not paying two aggressive lawyers to fight over everything in court
  • You can create a solid financial plan to deal with issues regarding division of property and debt, retirement accounts and college savings for your children
  • You can avoid the emotionally taxing situation of a contested case
  • You get to retain control over important issues that affect your life instead of handing decision-making power over to a judge who is not familiar with you, your circumstances or your family
  • Mediation is private so you do not have to worry about things entered into a public record that may be embarrassing

Contact Joe Mooney to Get Started

To learn more about the divorce mediation process in Michigan and whether this option is right for you, call Joe Mooney at The Law Offices of Mooney & Gilboe, P.C. at 248-647-4280 or completing our online contact form.